Diane S. Pepetone
Requirements Engineer,
Project Manager
Co-founder/principal, L’Monte
Summary of Experience:
Eighteen years experience in requirements engineering and project management
Fifteen years experience in scientific software development
Fifteen years experience in GUI design
Ten years designing commercial and academic information management systems
Extensive experience
teaching classes and tutorials in software project management topics
Requirements Engineering and Project Management:
- Ms. Pepetone enjoys facilitating the client’s process of taking ideas and distilling them into testable, buildable requirements and then managing the development process through to successful acceptance testing.. She has provided requirements management services to a number of companies and institutions including:
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA
- Hansen Lind Meyer Architecture firm, Chicago, IL
- OEM Systems Co, Ltd, Kyoto, Japan
- SONY, Foster City, CA
- TRW Financial Systems, Berkeley, CA
- University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IL
Graphical User Interface Design:
- Defining the requirements using low-fidelity screens is the first step in Ms Pepetone’s process of designing the software GUI. The GUI design is next refined through an iterative process with the client during which workflow, human factors and style considerations are incorporated. Over the last fourteen years Ms. Pepetone has designed the GUI for a number of scientific applications including:
Hardware Diagnostic program for Image Scanner
- Laser-induced Fluorescence Detection for CE instrument
- Molecular Biologoy Workstation
- Real-time PCR Controller and Data Analysis package
Information Management Systems:
Education, Training & Memberships:
5/71 A.B. Oberlin College, OH. Awarded 4 year full scholarship
7/82 M.A. Univ. of Iowa, IA. Awarded networking fellowship
1983 -- 2001 Classes in computer languages C, C++, .NET
1987 – 1989 National Library of Medicine database training
2002 Requirements Engineering training, EBG Consulting
- 2005 Bio-Executive Program UC Berkeley Haas School of Business
- Current Member: IEEE, PMI & PDMA
experience prior to co founding L’Monte:
- Director, Corporate Information Systems
TRW Financial Systems, Berkeley, CA
10/89 - 8/91
- Developed and managed the company's new marketing information center. Designed and implemented a Confidential Documents Management system for a joint venture project
between IBM and
- Director, Worksafe Iowa Information
Network (WIIN),
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
10/87 - 7/89
- Created and managed WIIN which included an electronic bulletin
board system providing regional access
to experts and resources
occupational medicine and toxicology;
an on-line database of WIIN's journals, reference
works, text
books and teaching
and a research service providing literature searches on
hazards, which utilized
the National
of Medicine databases, NIOSH, and DIALOG databases.
- Director, Corporate Information Systems
Hansen Lind Meyer, Chicago IL, Iowa City
IA, Orlando FL
8/84 - 9/87
- Managed development of a computerized system
for tracking architectural projects and
clients firm-
wide. Managed development of an
inventory control system
for the marketing department's hardware,
software, audio-visual equipment, marketing
and large slide collection.
- Executive Director
Mark IV Neighborhood Center, Iowa City,
9/82 - 7/84
- Responsible for all programming, budgetary
and administrative activities, and
staff supervision and training
- Program Manager
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
8/79 - 5/81
- Designed and managed new automated
Product Charging Information system
- Science Teacher, Middle School
American Community Schools of London,
London, England
6/73 - 6/79
Project Diane is proudest of
and why…
- “I’m proudest of a medical instrumentation project
we did a few years ago, for many
reasons. I enjoyed helping to create a brand new
I was in charge
of designing the UI and the
response from our client and their customers was that it
was a real pleasure
- "This was no mean feat given an
impossible schedule and no specification for
the user interface
when we started.
we were determined
that the
product was going to make
it and we just pulled out all the
stops – we worked hard
and smart. In the end, it
was well worth it. In the marketplace,
it out-performed the main competitor’s
product and was much more affordable
in price. Today this product is used
in medical facilities and research
labs around the world.
It’s important that
what I do is useful to the
world. ”
Her quirky little secret:
- “One of my best friends is a 400-year-old interior live
oak tree.”
If Diane wasn’t programming...
- ...she’d be a biologist/microbiologist
focusing on plant
diseases – specifically
those effecting
trees – oaks
in particular.
Other hobbies
and interests:
- “Performing (poetry, song, dance, stories, improvisation)
has always been a great love of mine. If I could find
the time, I would return to home schooling. I’ve
done this in the past
teaching math and science and
I really enjoy working with kids.”
If Diane could be
a superhero or mythical figure, it
would be…
- “…my Roman namesake, Diana, because of her strength
and independence and role as protector of the forests.”
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